Sangeet Kala Kendra Kolkata

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The aim of this blog is to provide assistance to young students as well as anyone amateur who wants to know more about dance. We will keep on updating the blog based on the request received. Do feel free to contact us for any query or request.


2. Guru Smt. Mira Dasgupta
3. Guru Smt. Champa Banerjee

Artist : Esha Banerjee
  1. Natya Shastra _Slokas  
  2. NatyaShastra (Part 1) --- The story of the Beginning of Dance & Drama  
  3. Natya Shastra (Part 2) - Common Mistakes & Promise
  4. Natya Shastra ( Part 3)--  Birth of Apsaras
  5. NatyaShastra(Part 4)  -- Bharata Muni
  6. NatyaShastra (Part 5) ---  The Problem & Its Solution
  7. Chatur Sloka
Make Up Series
  1. Make Up, Ornaments & Dress  (Part1) __Bharat Natyam
  2. Make Up, Ornaments & Dress  (Part 2) __Bharat Natyam
Artist : Promita & Esha

Classical Dance

Hasta Mudra
  1. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 1 Asamyukta Mudra
  2. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 2 -  Samyukta Mudra
  3. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 3 - Deva Hasta
  4. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 4 - Navagraha Hasta
  5.  Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 5 - Bandhava Hasta
  6. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 6 - Naadi Hasta
  7. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 7 - Raja Hasta
  8. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 8 - Patanga Hasta
  9. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 9 - Jantu  Hasta
  10. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 10 -  Dashavataram Hasta
  11. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 11 - Naadi Hasta ( Rivers & Oceans)
  12. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 12 AsamyuktaMudra__Pataka Hasta Viniyoga
  13. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 13 AsamyuktaMudra__Triataka Hasta Viniyoga 
  14. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 14 AsamyuktaMudra__Ardhaataka Hasta Viniyoga
  15. Kartarimukham Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 15 AsamyuktaMudra
  16. Mayuram Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 16 AsamyuktaMudra
  17. Ardhachandra Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 17 AsamyuktaMudra
  18. Arala Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 18 AsamyuktaMudra
  19. Sukhotandu Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 19 AsamyuktaMudra
  20. Mushti Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 20 AsamyuktaMudra
  21. Shikara Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 21 AsamyuktaMudra

Story Series
  1. Story Series Part 1:  Story of Andal and Tirumala
  2.  Godessess Meenakshi (Story of Madurai)  ___Story Series Part 2 
  3.  Ardhanarishswara_ The story of half man and half woman ___  Story Series Part 3
  4. Kanyakumari, the Virgin Godessess ___Story Series Part 4
  5. Markandaya, the one who won death ___ Story Series Part 5
  6. Damayanti, the Asura Princess ___Story Series Part 6
  7. Untold Unpopular stories of Krishna  ___ Story Series Part 7
  8. When it all began, The story of Naras ____ Story Series Part 8
  9.  When Bhrama and Vishnu fought ___ Story Series Part 9

Abhinaya Series
  1. Abhinaya Part 1 -- Types of Abhinaya
  2. Abhinaya - Part 2  Practical Techniques
  3. Abhinaya  - Part 3  NavaRasa (Introduction )
  4. Abhinaya  - Part 4  NavaRasa (Techniques)
  5. Abhinaya  - Part 5  NavaRasa (Stories based on Devi )
  6. Abhinaya  - Part 6  NavaRasa (Stories based on Krishna's Life)
  7. Abhinaya  - Part 7  NavaRasa ( Stories based on Rama's Life

Natyashastra Series
  1. Shira Bheda ( Head Movement)
  2. Greeva Bheda ( Neck Movement)
  3. Urah Bheda ( Chest/ Breast Movement)
  4.  Parshava Bheda ( Movement)
  5. Udaram Bheda ( Stomach Movement)
  6. Kati Bheda (  Movement)
  7. Pada Bheda ( Movement of the legs)

Sangeet Damodara Series

Shivatatva Ratnakara 

2.  Hasta Karna [Wrist Movement] as per Shivatatva Ratnakara

Taalam Series

Style of Dance Series

Dance in association with other phases of Life
 This is a Webseries that will be visible to the audience from the month of Nov 2020. This is a talk show that where experts from different phases of life will come forward to answer the questions asked by Dancers. 

Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 1 
Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 2
Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 3
Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 4
Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 5
Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 6
Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 7
Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 8
Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 9
Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 10


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