Abhinaya - Part 6 NavaRasa (Stories based on Krishna's Life)

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The stories of Krishna is perhaps the most heard stories in Hindu tradition.

Krishna  holding Flute
Artist : Esha Banerjee

Author's Note : It is very important for all the students to practice these techniques on a regular basis. We will soon be uploading the videos on our You Tube Channel.

Important Links 

Abhinay :  Navarasa Krishna's Stories
Abhinay :  Navarasa Devi Stories 
Abhinaya : Navarasa Rama's Stories
Abhinaya : Techniques
Abhinaya : 4 Types
Abhinay  : Navarasa Practical Techniques

Drop your queries or suggestions at sangeetkalakendra1@gmail.com
Visit us on FB : https://www.facebook.com/Sangeet-Kala-Kendra-1461430557205352/


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