Definations (That are required in Exams)

1. Taal or Taalam : Taalam is a time measurement in a musical composition. Taalam is important to bring in a balance in the musical composition. Like Mudras are used for expressing the Bhava in a dance, Angas are used to express the Taalam.

2. Laya :  

3. Dhrut : Clap and then turn of hand. The symbol for expression Drutam is "O". It had 2                      matras which is constant.Its is one of the 3 Angas used to express  Taalam.

4. Anudhrut :Just a clap. The symbol for expression Anudrutam is "U". Only Jhampa talam has            anudhrutam in it. Its is one of the 3 Angas used to express  Taalam.

5. Laghu : Clap and count through fingers. The symbol for expression Laghu is "l". The matra of               laghu changes as per the Jaatis. Its is one of the 3 Angas used to express  Taalam.

6. Tandava :

7. Tana Varnam : This is one of the main types of Varnam. It consists of Pallavi, Anupallavi and Charanam with small swaras. These are normally performed during the Carnatic Vocal recietal.

8. Pada Varnam : Consists of elaborate lyrics and normally performed in dance recietals.

9. Anga in Taalam : Angas  are the hand gestures through which taalam is expressed. There are  three types of Angas through which Taalam is expressed.
       i) Anudhrutam : Just a clap. The symbol for expression Anudrutam is "U". Only Jhampa talam has            anudhrutam in it.
       ii) Dhrutam :  Clap and then turn of hand. The symbol for expression Drutam is "O". It had 2                      matras which is constant.
       iii) Laghu : Clap and count through fingers. The symbol for expression Laghu is "l". The matra of               laghu changes as per the Jaatis. 

10. Naadai : Naadai is a Telegu word used for expressing the time difference between a beat and the next one. 

11. Gaati : Gaati means speed. It is used for expressing the speed in which the sollokatus are said. 


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