Abhinaya - Part 4 NavaRasa (Techniques)

There are basic 9 human emotions that are taught to the students of Indian Classical dance. There are certain techniques that are taught and followed diligently. These are time tested techniques, however they can only be perfected with regular practice.

  • Shringara (Love) :  Since there are two parts of Shringara, it can has to be explained in two different ways. Sanjog literary means coming together with partner. This can be very well showed by looking side ways, showing shyness as well as keeping the body sideways. Viyog on the other hand means separation. This can be portrayed by bending of the head and slightly slouching.
  • Hasya (Laughter)  :  Laughter can be a smirk, timid smile or humongous laughter. While smirking, there is no need to change the body position (it can be both side, or straight). For a timid smile, a head nod, keeping the hand in front of the mouth etc is important. Humongous Laughter requires shaking the body, swaying etc.
  • Karunya (Compassion)  : The most important part that shows compassion are the eyes and forehead (along with bhrukuti). 
  • Roudra (Anger)  :  Anger can be expressed by keeping the eyes big (preferably round). Breathing heavily and swaying the breast up and down.
  • Veera (Courage)  :  This is shown by keeping the head high. Slightly side ways also makes an impact. It shows quite a distinctive body language, if the head/ chin  is kept parallel to the shoulder, while the body is pulled a bit back.
  • Bhayanaka (Fear) :  Big eyes, body pulled back, open mouth, eyebrows raised are the distinctive features of Bhayanaka.
  • Bhebhatsaya (Disgust ) : Disgust has to be shown by taking the body away from certain thing or person who or which  disgusts you. Pulling the body backward, spreading the lips, muscle below the eyes can be shrunk to give it a dramatic effect.
  • Adbhuta ( Surprised ) : Pleasantly surprised look can be shown by keeping the eyes big and bright, while the mouth should be open, eye brows has to be raised.
  • Shantam (Peace) : Peace can be achieved by closing eyes or keeping the eyes half shut.

Author's Note : It is very important for all the students to practice these techniques on a regular basis. We will soon be uploading the videos on our You Tube Channel.

Important Links 

Abhinay :  Navarasa Krishna's Stories
Abhinay :  Navarasa Devi Stories 
Abhinaya : Navarasa Rama's Stories
Abhinaya : Techniques
Abhinaya : 4 Types
Abhinay  : Navarasa Practical Techniques

Drop your queries or suggestions at sangeetkalakendra1@gmail.com
Visit us on FB : https://www.facebook.com/Sangeet-Kala-Kendra-1461430557205352/


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