Janu Sishasana ( Head to Knee)

1. This stimulates the kidney and liver
2. Reduces headache
3. Reduces stress and anxiety
4. Helps reduce belly fat
5. Helps to relax the body, in turn helps in sleeping properly
6. Helps in posture as in keeps the spine straight
7. Helps in High Blood Pressure

Things that you should keep in mind

1. Best time to do this asana is in the morning
2. Empty stomach is recommended while doing this (hence morning). This should not be done in full stomach.
3. Avoid if you have asthma or any injury in the knee or lower back problems

How to do ???

1. Sit on the floor with straight spine
2. Stretch one of the leg diagonally
3. Bend the other leg
4. The Navel and Chest should line up with your leg that is bend
5. Touch the feet of the leg that is stretched and try to touch the knee with your head


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