Abhinaya - Part 2 Vachikabhinaya
Vachik Abhinaya
The word Vachik abhinaya comes from the Sanskrit word “Vacchya”. In dance text, speeches, dialogues, songs, music ,sound are used to enhance and beautify the performance. Bharata also mentions that the Gana (song), Vadhya (instrumental music) and Natya (drama) should intermingle with each other to make the performance a brilliant entity (alatacakrapratimam). Bharata mentions in Natyashastra that an actor or a dancer must know the Guna, Dosha and Aharyam of the Kavya/Padhya. He also mentions that the sounds, speech, dialogues must be SARVASARYA (all can hear). Natyak is known as Natyakavya and is a mixture of Gadhya and Padhya. Songs and dialogues are intertwined in such a way that both become irreplaceable. For any performance we first decide the script and the song and then we work on the remaining three abhinaya based on the Vachya. Shabdha is Shakti. Both shabda and artha have to sink in so that the true meaning can be communicated. Shabda can be used in 3 ways – Abhida (literary meaning), Lakshana( indicative meaning like to depict Lakshmi, we say Chandrasahodari ), Vyanjana (simple words used but the meaning can be something else like –once in a blue moon to mean rarely).Bharata tells that there are 3 types of Gandharva – Swara (Notes), Tala and Pada (Verbal themes). In a performance following can be used.
Sl. |
Name |
Meaning |
1. |
Swageeta |
Performers sing and performs |
2. |
Upageeta |
Singer sings and performer performs |
3. |
Susadhya |
Sollakattu/ Bols are said by the performer |
4. |
Upasadhya |
Sollukattu /Bol are said by the Nattuvarnar, Guruor someone else and the dancer performs on it |
Music is very important to create that special effect
Sl. |
Name |
Meaning |
1. |
Background Music |
Sword sound during fights |
2. |
Entry/ Exsits |
Announcements, Drumroll, Raag specific music |
3. |
Emphasis |
Stressing on certain words or Syllables |
4. |
Pause |
Certain mini pause can be created to enhance the effect later |
Types of instruments that are used
Types of instruments ( Natyashastra ) |
Sl |
Types of Instruments |
Name |
1. |
Tata (Stringed) |
Veena, Guitar, Setar |
2. |
Avanaddha (Covered) |
Tabla, Mridangam |
3. |
Ghana (Solid) |
Nattuvangam (Cymbal) |
4. |
Susira (Hollow) |
Flute |
Tatamcaivavananaddham ca ghanamsusirameva ca | caturvidhm tu vijneyamatodyamlaksananvitam ||
Abhinaya Darpana talks about the Patra BahiPrana or the outer qualities of a dancer or the skills that can be acquired. It talks about the skillset or the knowledge that is required for a dancer. It specifically mentions Mridanga, Cymbal, Venuh, Srutih, Ekavina, Kinkini, Song, Good singer (male as per the Slokam) - the eight aspect that’s important. The most important part of this sloka is still in today’s world each dance for specifically follows the same music pattern.
Mrdangascasutala ca venuhgitih tatha srutih || Ekavinakinkini ca gayakascasuvisrutah | Ityevamanvayajnaiscapatrapranahbahihsmrtah ||
Have a look at the table below :
Musical Instruments |
Covered (Avanaddha) |
Solid (Ghana ) |
Hollow Instrument (Susira ) |
String Instrument (Tata) |
As Per Abhinayadapana |
Mridanga |
Cymbal |
Venu (Flute) |
Ekavina |
Bharatnatyam |
Mridangam |
Nattuvangam |
Flute |
Violine, Tambura |
Kathak |
Tabla, Pakhwaj |
Manjira |
Flute, Shehanai |
Sarengi, Setar, Tanpura, Harmonium |
Odissi |
Mardala , Pakhwaj |
Manjira |
Basuri |
Veena |
Kathakali |
Chenda, Maddalam, Idakka |
Chengila, Ilathalam |
…. |
…. |
Manipuri |
Pung |
Kartal |
Flute |
Pena, Harmonium |
Mohiniattam |
Mridangam, Madhalam, Idakka |
Kuzhitalam |
Flute |
Veena |
Gaudiya |
Khol |
Khunjuni, Kartal |
Bansuri |
Harmonium, Setar, Tanpura |
Sattriya |
Khol |
Manjira, Bhortal, Bihutal, Patital, Khutital |
Bansuri |
Harmonium, Violine |
Folk Dances of Rajasthan, MP, Gujarat, Balochistan |
Nagara, Snare Drum, |
Khartaal ( Played with one hand contains metal plates on wood) |
Alghoza (Paired wooden instrument), Shehanai |
Iktara, Kamaycha, Jantar, Sarengi |
European Folk Music |
Batih, Bell, Bodhran, Bubon |
Windchime, |
Violin, Guitar, Lyre, Zither, Balalaika, Vihuela, Stroh Violin, Harp Guitar |
South East Asian Music |
Taiko, Tsuzumi, BolangGu, Bangu, Paigu, Diangu, Yaogu, Huagu, Bajiaogu, Bofu, Linggu |
Bianzhong, Gamelan, |
Shakuhachi, Sho, Dizi, Hulusi, Gudi, Hailuo, Lilie, Shuijingdi, Yedi, Suling, angkulung, Sasando, |
Zhonghu, Gaohu, Koto, Sanshin, Shamisen, Biwa, Pipa, Erhu,GUQIN, Se, Zheng, Huluqin, Liuqin, Ruan, Yueqin, Qinqin, sANXIAN , Kulingtan, |
Middle Eastern Music |
Doumbeks, Darbukas, Dofs, Tars, Doiras, Bendirs, Riqs |
Zill |
Nay, Zorna,Zurna |
oUd , Santur, Saz, Tanbur |
Latin American Folk Music |
Bombo, BomboCriollo, Congo, Guiira Guiro, Maracas, Timbales, Wood block, Tambora, Cowbbell, Bongo |
Maracas |
Quena. |
Lute, Mandolin, Harp |
African Folk Music |
Djembe, Dunun, Bougarabou, Bata drums, Tams, Sabar |
Castanets, Maracas, Shekere |
Rattles, Mbira, Balafon, Ekwe, Udu, Algaita, Marimba, Maracas, |
Akoting, Kora, Harps, kundl, Kalimba, Sanza, Jwe’s harp |
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- Natya Shastra _Slokas
- NatyaShastra (Part 1) --- The story of the Beginning of Dance & Drama
- Natya Shastra (Part 2) - Common Mistakes & Promise
- Natya Shastra ( Part 3)-- Birth of Apsaras
- NatyaShastra(Part 4) -- Bharata Muni
- NatyaShastra (Part 5) --- The Problem & Its Solution
- Chatur Sloka
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- Classical Dances of India - Part 2 Kuchipudi
- Manipuri Classical Dances of India Part 3
- Orissi -- Classical Dances of India Part 4
- Kathakali -- Classical Dances of India Part 5
- Mohiniattam Classical Dances of India Part 6
- Kathak - Classical Dances of India Part 7
- Sattriya Classical Dances of India Part 8
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- Allaripu
- Jatiswaram
- Shabdam
- Varnam
- Padam
- Kirtanam
- Tillana
- Mangalam
- Javeli
- Ashtapadi
- Malhari
- Pushpanjali
- Kavutham
- Adavu (Tatta Adavu Natta Adavu)
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- Angalakshana Part 2 - Shiro Bhedam or Head Movements
- Angalakshana Part 3 - Dhristi Bhedam or Eye Movements and Bhrukuti Bheda or Eye Brow Movement
- Angalakshana Part 4 - Greeva Bhedam or Neck Movements
- Angalakshana Part 5 - Pada Bhedam or Leg Movements
- Angalakshana Part 6 - Mandalas
- Angalakshana Part 7 - Utplavana (the Jumps)
- Angalakshana Part 8 - Bhramari (The Turns)
- Angalakshana Part 9 - Paadachari & Gati Bhedam
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- Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 2 - Samyukta Mudra
- Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 3 - Deva Hasta
- Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 4 - Navagraha Hasta
- Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 5 - Bandhava Hasta
- Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 6 - Naadi Hasta
- Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 7 - Raja Hasta
- Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 8 - Patanga Hasta
- Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 9 - Jantu Hasta
- Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 10 - Dashavataram Hasta
- Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 11 - Naadi Hasta ( Rivers & Oceans)
- Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 12 AsamyuktaMudra__Pataka Hasta Viniyoga
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- Ardhachandra Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 17 AsamyuktaMudra
- Arala Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 18 AsamyuktaMudra
- Sukhotandu Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 19 AsamyuktaMudra
- Mushti Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 20 AsamyuktaMudra
- Shikara Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 21 AsamyuktaMudra
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- Kanyakumari, the Virgin Godessess ___Story Series Part 4
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- Damayanti, the Asura Princess ___Story Series Part 6
- Untold Unpopular stories of Krishna ___ Story Series Part 7
- When it all began, The story of Naras ____ Story Series Part 8
- When Bhrama and Vishnu fought ___ Story Series Part 9
Abhinaya Series- Abhinaya Part 1 -- Types of Abhinaya
- Abhinaya - Part 2 Practical Techniques
- Abhinaya - Part 3 NavaRasa (Introduction )
- Abhinaya - Part 4 NavaRasa (Techniques)
- Abhinaya - Part 5 NavaRasa (Stories based on Devi )
- Abhinaya - Part 6 NavaRasa (Stories based on Krishna's Life)
- Abhinaya - Part 7 NavaRasa ( Stories based on Rama's Life
Natyashastra Series- Shira Bheda ( Head Movement)
- Greeva Bheda ( Neck Movement)
- Urah Bheda ( Chest/ Breast Movement)
- Parshava Bheda ( Movement)
- Udaram Bheda ( Stomach Movement)
- Kati Bheda ( Movement)
- Pada Bheda ( Movement of the legs)
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- Pancha Jati
- Dhruvam
- Mitiyum
- Jhampa
- Triput
- Adda
- Ekam
- Roopakam
- Sapta Talam
- Tisram Jaathi
- Chatusram Jaathi
- Khanda Jaathi
- Misram Jaathi
- Sankirnam Jaathi
- Difference between Hindustani Taal System and Carnatic Taal System
- Difference between Hindustani Raga and Carnatic Raga
- Taala Dasaprana
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