Anulom Vilom

This is also known as " Alternate Nostril Breathing". This is a Pranayam.

How to Do ?
1. Sit in Padmasana
2. Using the Thumb block one of the Nostrils, inhale through the other one (max 2 sec)
3. Now block the other Nostril using the little finger (max 4 sec). This step should be avoided for young children, pregnant women, people with Cardiac issues.
4. Exhale through the other Nostril.


Make sure to use permission from the physician before doing this.


1. This helps in calming the entire nervous system
2. Provide Oxygen to both the sides of the brain, resulting in active brain actions
3. It basically helps body to get more Oxygen by activating both the Nostrils. In humans, both the nostrils do not work at the same time. either one is blocked.


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