Sishupala Asana


Most importantly, this Asana relax the nervous system.  Once the nerves are calm, child will be more receptive to the instructions that will be given in the class. Secondly, this helps in keeping the spine straight, which in future helps the student in maintaining good posture during dance. The third benefit is, this helps in  heeling and strengthening rectum muscles, which is very important for good bowl movement.  At a tender age many suffer from constipation and irregular bowl movement. Regular practice of this Asana helps.

How to do

As the name suggests, it resembles holding a baby and swaying it from side to side.
1. Sit with both the legs drawn in.
2. Pick up one leg at a time and sway from side to side.

Things to remember
1. Spine should be straight 
2. Make sure to pick up the leg to the chest level
3. The other feet should be on the ground and preferably should be touching the pubic area
4. Swaying of the body, should not be too much  and unruly 
5. One arm should have the knee resting on it.

How many times
Two legs alternatively for 30 to 45 secs. This can be done 5 times.

Note : For kids under the age of 5 supervision is mandatory.  We will soon be posting the Video related to this in our You Tube Channel.


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