Difference between North Indian and South Indian Taal system {Carnatic and Hindustani]


Difference between Hindustani Taal System and Carnatic Taal System


Indian music can be divided into two broad divisions – Classical Music and Folk Music. Modern sice believes that everything is energy and energy has vibrations.  Sound is associated with VIBRATIONS which can effect us differently. Ancient Indian sages had immense knowledge on this  and they created Naad Yoga (through there Penance).  Indian music has evolved over a period of thousands of years and is highly spiritual.

It is highly surprising that this subcontinent has produced two different types of Classical music which are so similar yet very uniquely different.  It goes on to prove the diversity of music and the long lineage of musicians and musical experimentation that existed from ancient period. One can draw parallel between Tarana and Tillana, Kriti and Bandeesh,  Kirtanam and Bhajan. Both these music strictly follows Guru-Sishya Parampara. Let us understand the difference between the two.


Hindustani Taal System

Carnatic Taal System



It is popular in North India

It is popular in South India


Hindustani Taal System is a merger of  Indian and Turko- Persian Taalas

Carnatic Taal System originated in Inida and has no external influence



It started from the century after the muslim invasion (previously pan India has similar structure)

Much older than Hindustani Taal System and


Ideally 6 main taals – Tritaal (16 matras) Dadra (6 matra), Kaharba  (8 matras), Rupak ( 7 Matra), Jhaptaal ( Matra), Ektaal ( Matra). Other taalas like Dhamar (  10 matra), Deepchandi ( 14 Matra ), Arachowtaal  ( Matra)

There are total combinations of Sapta Tala and Pancha Jaati and Pancha Naadai (7*5*5 ) Total 175 combinations


Few Names of the taalas are Dhamar, Shasti

Few Names of the taalas are Adi ,


Bandeesh are sung in Hindi, Braj bhasa or Sanskrit

Language used Sankrit, Kannad, Tamil, Telegu etc


Musical  Instruments that are used - Tabla, Sitar, Srhanaie, Manjeera, Sharad etc.

Musical  Instruments that are used  - Mridangam, Bansuri, Violine,Veena, Ghatam , Nattuvangam etc.


Kathak follows  Hindustani Taal System

Bharatnatyam, Mohiniattam , Odissi (with regional variations) follows  Carnatic Taal System



Some famous singer are Bhimsen Joshi, Kaushiki Chakraborty



Some famous Singers O. S Arun, Sudha Ranganatha.



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