Greeva Bheda ( Neck Movement) as per Natyashastra

 Greeva Bhedam has been documented in Chapter of Natyashastra. Bharata talks about 9 types of greeva while Nandikeshwara gives us variations of greevha [ Greebha Bhedam as per Abhnayadarpana]. Again in Shivatatvaratnakara variations of Greeva is mentioned {Greebha Bhedam as per Shivatatvaratnakara]. 


Greeva Bhedam   as per Natyashastra







Natural Position

Meditation, Natyarambham, Muttering



Face bent down

Wearing ornaments, putting one’s arm around



Face upturned

Showing necklace, looking toward the road



Neck with face turned sideways

Carrying weight



Neck shaken or moved

Bhava, churning



Neck with head turned back

Protecting the neck, Pressure on the neck



Neck with head turned back

Hanging, arranging hair, looking up



Neck with head turned sideways

Looking with the head turned around



Neck with face in


Going towards a place

a a



                Atahparanpravaksyamigreevharmanivaidvijah|                                                                                            Sama natonnatahtryasrarecitakuncitancita ||                                                                                                  Valita ca nivrtta ca greevhanavavidharthatah |

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    2. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 2 -  Samyukta Mudra
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    12. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 12 AsamyuktaMudra__Pataka Hasta Viniyoga
    13. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 13 AsamyuktaMudra__Triataka Hasta Viniyoga 
    14. Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 14 AsamyuktaMudra__Ardhaataka Hasta Viniyoga
    15. Kartarimukham Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 15 AsamyuktaMudra
    16. Mayuram Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 16 AsamyuktaMudra
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    18. Arala Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 18 AsamyuktaMudra
    19. Sukhotandu Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 19 AsamyuktaMudra
    20. Mushti Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 20 AsamyuktaMudra
    21. Shikara Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 21 AsamyuktaMudra

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    Natyashastra Series
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    2. Greeva Bheda ( Neck Movement)
    3. Urah Bheda ( Chest/ Breast Movement)
    4.  Parshava Bheda ( Movement)
    5. Udaram Bheda ( Stomach Movement)
    6. Kati Bheda (  Movement)
    7. Pada Bheda ( Movement of the legs)

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    Style of Bharatnatyam [ Bani] Series

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    Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 8
    Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 9
    Nrityashree_Dance in the light of Life Episode 10


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