Natya Shasatra _Slokas
Artist : Shilpi Nandi "The joy of dance can not be explained or taught. It has to be experienced." Following are the first few slokas of Natya Shastra. Pranamya Shirasa Devou Pithamaha Maheswarou Natyashastram Pravaksyami Brahamanaya Duthahrutham I bow my head to Pitamaha (Brahma – the creator) and Maheswara(Lord Siva – the creator of dance) and reveal the science of dance, drama and music (Natyasastra) as it was taught to me by Lord Brahma. (Bharata Muni states) Devadanaam Shirasthasthu Gurunamasya samsthithaha Vakshasthaschaiva vipranaam Sheshethwa niyamo bhaved I seek blesssings and offer prayers( with Anjali hasta ) hands placed above the head for the Gods, at the forehead for the Guru’s, in front of the chest for all the elders and for all others there is no special rules. This is the basic rule for all the Indian classical dance forms of India and is commonly followed in the entire...
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