Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 4 - Navagraha Hasta

Next in the series comes the Nava Graha Hastas. Navagraha is a combination of two words, Nav meaning nine and Graha meaning planet. As per ancient Hindu texts there are nine planets -  Surya, Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Shurkra, Shani, Rahu and Ketu. Modern science do not agree to this. However as a student of Indian Classical dance we need to understand and learn the NavaGraha Hastas.

Name of the Graha
English Name
Left Hand
Right Hand
Alapadma Hasta
Kapitha Hasta
Alapadma Hasta
Pataka Hasta
Suchi Hasta
Mushti Hasta
Mushti Hasta,
Pataka Hasta horizontally
Bruhaspati or
Shikhara Hasta
Shikhara Hasta, both hands held like showing the sacred thread.
Mushti Hasta
MushtiHasta upsidedown
Shikhara Hasta
Trishoola Hasta
Suchi Hasta
Suchi Hasta
Pataka Hasta

SuryaHasta (Sun): Right hand held in Alapadma and left hand held in Kapittha, on either side of the throat respectively gives Surya Hasta.

                       Ansopkanthe hastaabhyaamapadmakapitthakaha
                       Dhrito yadi karo hyosh divaakarkaraha smritaha

Chandra Hasta (Moon): Left hand held in Alapadma and right hand in Pataka gives Chandra Hasta.
                            Alapadmo Vaamahaste dakshine cha pataakikaa
                        Nishaakarkaraha prokto bharataagamdarshibhiha

Mangal Hasta (Mars–Kuja/Sevvai/Angaraka): Left hand held in Suchi and right hand in Mushti gives Kuja Hasta.

                         Vaame kare tu soochi Syaamushtihastastudakshine

                        Dhritashchennaatyashaastragyai rangaarakakaraha smritaha

BudhaHasta (Mercury): Left hand held in Mushti horizontally and right in Pataka gives Budha Hasta.

                         Tiryagvaame cha mushtiha syaadakshine cha 

                             pataakikaaBudhgrahakaraha prokto bharataagamvedibhiha

Guru Hasta (Jupiter): Holding the left hand as inverted sikara on the left shoulder , the right hand in Shikara is brought from the left shoulder, down across the chest to the waist, on the right side. This gives Guru Hasta.

                      Hadtaabhyaam Shikharam Dhritvaa Yagyasootrasya  
                      darshanamRishibramhanahastoyam guroshchaapi prakeertitaha

Sukra Hasta (Venus- Chitra): Left hand in Mushti is held over the raised left leg. Right Hand in Mushti is held below the waist level. This gives Sukra Hasta.
                       Vaamochchabhaage mushtiha syaadadhastaaddakshune 
                        tathaShukragrahakaraha prokto bharataagamvedibhiha

Sani Hasta (Saturn): The left hand in Shikara and the right hand in Trisula gives Sani Hasta.
                      Vaame kare tu shikharastrishulo dakshine
                     kareShanaishcharkaraha prokto bharataaagamkovidaiha

Rahu Hasta: The left hand in Sarpasirsa and the right hand in Suchi gives Rahu Hasta.

                       Sarpashirsho vaamakare suchi syaadakshine kare
                     Raahugrahakaraha prokto naatyavidyaadhipairjanaiha

Ketu Hasta: The left hand held in suchi and the right hand in Pataka gives Ketu Hasta.Navgraha hasta are important to understand, learn and memorise as astrology was closely linked with Hindu mythology and hence often used in performances, even to the present day.
                    Vaame kare tu soochi syaadakshine tu pataakikaa

                    Ketugrahakaraha prokto bharataagamdarshibhiha

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  1. Can you plz upload video on navgraha hasta

    1. https://sangeetkalakendra.blogspot.com/2018/01/hasta-mudra-hand-gestures-part-4.html


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