Angalakshana Part 8 - Bhramari (The Turns)

There are 7 types of Bhramari. They are
UtplutabhramariWith Samapaada Sthanaka, jump& turn around
ChakrabhramariHold tripataka hasta in both thehands and turn around while dragging the legs on the floor·
Garudabhramari :Keep one of the knees on the ground, stretch the other leg and turn around·
EkapaadabhramariStand on one leg and turn around with the other·
KunchitabhramariJump and turn around folding the legs up·
AakaashabhramariJump , spread the legs apart and turn around·
Angabhramari : Keep the legs 12 inch apart and turn the body around

Other Links
Chatur Slokam --- BharatNatyam for Kids
Make Up, Ornaments & Dress (Part1) __Bharat Natyam
Angalakshana Part 1 - Anga Pratyanga & Upanga
Angalakshana Part 2 - Shiro Bhedam or Head Movements
Angalakshana Part 3 - Dhristi Bhedam or Eye Movements and Bhrukuti Bheda or Eye Brow Movement
Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 10 - Dashavataram Hasta

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