Angalakshana Part 3 - Dhristi Bhedam or Eye Movements and Bhrukuti Bheda or Eye Brow Movement

              Drishthi in Sanskrit literary meaning “Vision”. In relation to our eyes it means “sight” or “to see”. The classification of these eye movements are based on how we move the eye balls. In fact we use each of them in our every day routine. Just a matter of identifying with their names. There are eight types of Eye movements given in Natyashastras.

1. Sama: Eye kept still without any movement,Eveness of eye where the eyes are kept still. Usage : Depicting GOD,peace, pride
2. Alokita: Rolling your eye balls in a circular pattern. Usage : Showing fear.
3. Saachi: Looking through the corner of the eyes. Usage : Looking at rivals, competitors, showing shyness.
4. Pralokita: moving your eyes side to side.  Usage : taking a peak on someone.
5. Nimilita: It looks like a half shut eye. Here one tries to focus the eye ball towards the heart. Usage : Meditation, sages, showing the meditative state of Gods, Peace
6. Ullokita: Looking upwards. Usage : Showing sky, God, showing something that  is above like birds flying or the sun, stars and the moon.
7. Anuvritta: Rapid movement of the eyes up and down. Usage : Showing anger  by looking at someone from head to toe, measuring opponents.
8. Avalokita: Looking down on the ground. Usage : Showing Guilt.

Its a general tendency for the students to confuse Nimilita with Avalokita. Gurus or the teachers should make it a point to make the students understand the differences.


                                                           Natyashastra Slokam
                                                Samam Alokitam Saachi pralokita Nimility
                                               Ullokita-anuvritte cha tatha chaiva-avalokitam 
                                              Ithyashtho drishthi bhedaha syu kirtitah purvasuribhi

Now that we have harped on the importance of Dristi Bheda or Eye Bheda, lets understand that it is one of the main part of the body through which the performer emotes. It is also very important to note how important the eye make up is to enhance the features and to brighten the same ( very soon we will be posting videos on eye make up).

With the eyes comes the eye brows or the bhru / Bhrukuti. It is adviceable for the students to learn the bhru bheda from the begining. It goes a long way to help in abhinaya later in life. There are 6 different types of Bhru Bhedam. They are discussed at length.

1. Sahajam :  The word literary means "normal". This is the baseline expression. Usage : When the dance is started of showing peace, calmness,meditative state.
2. Patitam : Bringing both the brows together from sahajam. Usage : Showing dissatisfaction, sadness,karunya, thinking.
3. Ukshiptam : Raising the brows. Usage: Questioning, astonishment(adbhuta), fearful,depicting yes.
4. Chaturam: Dancing the brows gently. Its the continuous up and down movement of the brows.. Usage: Showing smitten by the grandness (Sringara).
5. Raichitam : Raising one brow. Usage : Questing, pride, Doubtfulness.
6. Kunchitam : Bringing both the brows together from the ukshiptam. Usage: getting away (bhivatsaya rasa).

Chatur Slokam --- BharatNatyam for Kids
Make Up, Ornaments & Dress (Part1) __Bharat Natyam
Angalakshana Part 1 - Anga Pratyanga & Upanga
Angalakshana Part 2 - Shiro Bhedam or Head Movements
Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 10 - Dashavataram Hasta

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