Angalakshana Part 7 - Utplavana (the Jumps)

Utplavana is a Sanskrit word which means to take a leap. In common terms we say that the Jump steps are the Utplavanas. These are very important part of any classical dance especially Bharat Natyam. There are of following 5 types :

Alaga :Hold Shikhara hasta on the waist and jump
Kartaree : Hop on the toes, hold Kartareemukha hasta behind the left leg and hold shikhara hasta, upside down on the waist
Ashvotplavana : Hop forward on one leg and bring the other leg together,hold tripataka hasta in both the hands
Motita : Hold tripataka hasta in both the hands,jump like Kartaree Utplavana on both side
Krupaalaga : Jump in such a way that the heel touches the back side 


Athotplavana bhedaanaam lakshanam prikathyate
Alang kartari vaa shvo utplavanam motitam tatha 
Kripaalagamiti khyaatam panchadhotplavanam budhaiha


Other Links
Chatur Slokam --- BharatNatyam for Kids
Make Up, Ornaments & Dress (Part1) __Bharat Natyam
Angalakshana Part 1 - Anga Pratyanga & Upanga
Angalakshana Part 2 - Shiro Bhedam or Head Movements
Angalakshana Part 3 - Dhristi Bhedam or Eye Movements and Bhrukuti Bheda or Eye Brow Movement
Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 10 - Dashavataram Hasta

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