Angalakshana Part 9 - Paadachari & Gati Bhedam

There are 8 types of Paadachari. They are

Chalanachaari  : Walk casually
Chankramanachaari :Walk while keeping the legs sideways
Saranachaari Walk while dragging one feet and bringing the other together without lifting the heel from the ground
Veginichaari : Walk fast while changing alapadma &tripataka hasta alternatively ·
Kuttanachaari :Walk while tapping the feet hard on the floor ·
Lunthitachaari :Stand in Swastikamandala and perform kuttanachaari in the front leg ·
Lolithachaari : Perform kuttanachaari in one leg and  walk slowly with the other one ·
Vishamachaari : Walk while the legs are twisted together 

There are 10 unique ways of Gathibhedha(Gait). They are
HamseegathiWalk while keeping one foot in front of the other and sway with each step, hold kapitha
hasta in both hands. (Walk like a Swan)·
Mayooreegathi :  Stand on the tip of toes, hold kapitha in both hands and fold up the legs for each
step. (Walk like a Peacock)
Mrugeegathi :Hold tripataka in both hands and run around like a Deer
GajagathiHold pataka hasta near the ears, walk very slowly with Samapaada ·
TurangineegathiLift the right leg, hold shikhara in left hand and pataka in right hand and jump with the
left leg.(Like a Horse)·
Simheegathi  : Hold shikhara hasta in both hands, jump on the toes ans move forward. (Like a Lion)
Bhujangeegathi :Hold tripataka in both hands & walk as explained in simheegathi. (Like a Snake)·
Mandookeegathi :Like simheegathi
Veeragathi Hold shikhara hasta in left hand,pataka in right and walk as though comming from far·
Maanaveegathi :Keep the left hand on the waist, katakamukha in right and walk while turning around for each step.

Other Links
Chatur Slokam --- BharatNatyam for Kids
Make Up, Ornaments & Dress (Part1) __Bharat Natyam
Angalakshana Part 1 - Anga Pratyanga & Upanga
Angalakshana Part 2 - Shiro Bhedam or Head Movements
Angalakshana Part 3 - Dhristi Bhedam or Eye Movements and Bhrukuti Bheda or Eye Brow Movement
Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 10 - Dashavataram Hasta

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