Angalakshana Part 2 - Shiro Bhedam or Head Movements

                      Head movements are  called Shirobheda. Shira or shirasa means “Head” in ancient Sanskrit. The head movements refer to the head positions, while expressing a particular bhava. There are Nine head movements. In fact each of the Nava Rasas are described with particular head movements.
                      It is extremely important for a dancer to understand these details as it will help in properly holding the postures. This should be practiced everyday as warm up before starting with Margam. These neck and head exercises along with  the other Upanga, Pratanga and Anga practices forms the preparatory steps for the hard practices sessions later.

ShiroBheda as per AbhinayaDarpana

  1. Sama : The head kept straight. As the same suggests it means equal.  Usage: Every time a dance is started. It is also used for looking or searching ahead.
  2. Udvahitam : Head looking upwards. Usage : showing Gods, sky, elevated beings.
  3. Adhomukham : Looking down. Usage : Depicting shyness, guilty, sleepiness.
  4. Alolitam: Circular movement of the head. Usage : Depicting grief, dizziness.
  5. Dhutam: Right to left or side to side movement of the head. Usage : Negating, saying no, looking sideways life that of thief.
  6. Kampitam: Up and down nod of the head. Usage : Depicting revenge, understanding.
  7. Paravrittam: Brisk/forcefully turning of the head to the  right or left or left to right. Usage : Saying no, showing anger.
  8. Ukshiptam: Head is turned and raised or a slanting or tilted (upward) position of the head. Usage : Thinking, dreaming.
  9. Parivahittam: Quick small shakes or wavy movement of the head. Usage : Satisfaction,gently agreeing

 Slokam on Shiro Bhedam ( Abhinaya Darpana) 

Sama udvahitam adhomukha-lolitam Dhutam
kampitam cha paravrittam ukshiptam parivahitam
navdhakathitam shirasa natyashastra visharadaihi.

Slokam on Shiro Bhedam ( Natyashastra) 

Akampitam Kampitamm cha Dhutam Vidhutameva Cha
Parivahitodvahitakama Vadhutam tatha Anchitam
Nihanchitam Paravrittamuktksiptam chapyAdhogatam
Lolitham caiva Vijneyam trayodasavidham Siraha

1. Akampitam Nodding  the head slowly from above to below (Ordering, nodding,)
2. Kampitam Nodding  the head  from above to below rapidly (Understanding, asserting)
3. Dhuta The head is turned slowly from side to side (Confidence forbidding)
4. Vidhuta Dhuta is quickly and repeatedly done (Terror, panic)
5. Parivahita Moving the head from side to side to form a sleeping 8  (Joy,surprise)
6. Udvahita Sideway the head is put up (Pride, Bravery, looking up)
7. Avadhuta Head lowered side ways (Invoke a diety, asking someone to come near)
8. Anchita Head tilted on one side with face in front (Intoxication, fainting)
9. Nihanchita The two shoulders are raised up and the head is pressed in (Anger (show off), paralysis)
10. Paravritta Head turned away and backward (Looking back, Turning away)
11. Ukshipta Head is pushed back so that the face looks at sky (Before using the divine weapon)
12. Adhogata The face is put down with chin tugged in (Shame, Sorrow)
13. Lolitha / Parilolita Head rolled in all direction (Sickness, Fainting)

Chatur Slokam --- BharatNatyam for Kids
Make Up, Ornaments & Dress (Part1) __Bharat Natyam
Angalakshana Part 1 - Anga Pratyanga & Upanga
Angalakshana Part 2 - Shiro Bhedam or Head Movements
Angalakshana Part 3 - Dhristi Bhedam or Eye Movements and Bhrukuti Bheda or Eye Brow Movement
Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 10 - Dashavataram Hasta

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