Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 12 - Jaati Hasta or Varna Hastas

Since Pre - historic times, Indian society had a complex, inter- dependent and co operative political economy where each individual had a specific role to play in uplifting the society and human welfare. The caste system in ancient India was followed with precise order and instructions. One can go on and on about the intricacies of the Caste System in India. Many research in modern times have been conducted on the caste systems. For centuries, caste dictated each and every aspect of Hindu life with each group occupying a specific place in the complex hierarchy.

Earliest mention of the caste system in ancient India can be found in Manusanhita (1000 years before Christ), a book written by King Manu who ruled South India and have said to migrated to North India.

Jaati Hastas are very common in Indian classical dance compositions. While composing a dance drama it becomes very important to depict the characters with the help of these Hastas. These hastas in co ordination of the body language will help the dancers to depict charecters and invoke the right bhavas.
 These are also known as Varna Hastas. There are 4 main Varna as per ancient Hinduism.

Brahmans  : They formed the top level of the pyramid. They were the priests and teachers.
Kshatriyas   : They were the warrior class consisting of the kings, army, administrators etc. They were known as the Rajanas.
Vayshyas    : They were the merchant,artisan,traders and farmer class.
Sudras    : These were the remaining lot or the labor class who worked for others.

In addition to these 4 main Varnas, Natyashastra mentions the exsistance of Rakshasha Hasta.

Author's Note : It is my personal request to the young teachers to teach all the hasta mudras. Incomplete knowledge of these will make the students incompetent to choreograph in later stage of career. It is our duty to give the next generation the right and full knowledge or else we run the risk of loosing the same.
Caste System in India

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  1. Namaskaram! I would like to bring to your notice one error in your post. The slokas that you have given as supporting evidences for the Jaati Hasta or Varna Hastas Mudras are actually not from the Natyasastra by Sage Bharata. They are found in another ancient Indian text known as the Abhinaya Darpana by Nandikesvara. Pranam!

    1. Yes... you are absolutely correct. This is a typo error. we will correct the same. Jaati hasta is mentioned in Abhinayadarpana only. Natyashastra does not talk about Jaati hasta..


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