Stanaka Bhedam or Pada Bhedam


Stanaka literally means "standing position". Both Natyashastra and Abhinayadarpana not only mentions about the stanaka but also describes them. There are 6 Stanakas that are taught to the students of any classical dance.

1) Sama Padam : This is perhaps the most commonly used leg position not only in Bharatnatyam but in all the dance forms. Both the feet are joined with knee together and body kept straight. The hand is hold at the waist generally. This is extensively used during the beginning (Natyarambham) or end of any dance. 

2) Eka Padam : The word "Eka" in Sanskrit means "one". Hence Eka padam refers to one feet. This position can be done when one feet is kept in sama pada and the other leg is lifted in such a way that the feet height will as tall as that of the other knee. The height of the knee should ideally be at the waist length. The hand is held at waist. This can be used showing a King sitting on throne, Rishi doing penance.

3) Naagabandhana Padam : The word "Nagaa" means "Snake" and "Bandhan" mean "joining together or binding". Both the legs (and hands) are twisted in a way to depicts two snakes hugging each other. The body is normally kept straight. Both the knees has to be bend to maintain the balance of the body. In this one thigh comes in front of the other thigh. This is normally used to show snakes. or creepers.

4) Ainidrem Padam : This is done by standing on one leg and raising the other leg so that the knee is at the chest height approximately. The feet of the raised leg is pointed at the bottom. The hands are normally kept at Dolla. This is extensively used for showing King , Lord Indra. 

5) Garuda Padam : The word " Garuda" stands for a puranic beast who is half man and half bird. Garuda is said to be the vahana of Lord Vishnu. This is a sitting position. Full sitting position with body facing any side, one feet elongated (Alida Mandala) with hands in Dola hasta. This is used extensively to show Garuda, any bird, pushpanjali, namaskar etc.

6) Bhramasthanam Padam :  " Bhrama" is one of the gods in holy trinity (Bhrama, Vishnu, Mahesha) as per Hinduism. Bhrama is known to be the creator of the three. This is also a sitting position and is done by doing Padmasana. Both the feet are placed on the knee. 


Slokam as per Abhinayadarpana

Padavinyasbheden sthankam shadvidham bhavet|

Samapaadamcha eka paadam Naagabandhasthatha param |

Aindrecha Garudaschaiva Brahmasthaanam ithi kramam ||

Note :  We will soon post the video in our Youtube channel. 


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