Mandala Bhedam
Mandala bhedam is the different ways of standing described in Natyashastra and Abhinayadarpana. It is very important for a student of any classical dance to focus of these leg and feet position. not only we need to teach these theoretically but we have to practice the same practically in the class, only then can we master these. It is very important to learn these and practiced this diligently so that during the performance, postures look extremely nice. Slokam related to Mandala Bheda in Natyashastra is as follows :
“Sthaanakam chaayataalidham
prenkhanapreritaani cha
Pratyaalidham swastika cha motitam samasoochikaa
Paarshwesoochiti cha dasha mandalaaniritaaneeha”
1. Stanaka Mandala
2. Ayataa Mandala : Placing heels together and the toes facing outside (not necessarily 180 degrees as in Aramandi) , with the knees bent facing both sides. Feet position is flat.
3. Aalida Mandala : From Ayataa lifting the right feet and keeping it in front. Both the knees will be bent. Feet should be placed flat.
4. Prenkhana Mandala : Lifting the right feet and placing the same backward. Right feet will be flat, while left feet will be placed on heel. It is important to note that the body weight will be more on the feet that is behind.
5. Prerita Mandala : Lifting the right leg and turning the same on the ground away from the other foot. The left feet will be flat while the right feet will be on toe
6. Pratyaali Mandala :
7. Swastika Mandala :
8. Motita Mandala
9. Samasoochi Mandala
10. Paarsvasoochi Mandala
Note : We will very soon put up video on our Youtube channel
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