NatyaShastra (Part 5) --- The Problem & Its Solution

Bharat's Instruction regarding Bhava and the strory behind it

Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
      Once Bharat Muni and his sons along with the Apsaras had perfected the art of Dance, Drama and Music, Bhrama thought it would be a good idea to put a performance in front of the whole world. It was decieed that the incident of Indra defeating the demons would be an apt drama that can be performed putting the principals and learning from Natya Shastra. It is believed that all were to perform the episodes of Samudra Mathan.
        An auspicious day was selected for the performance and everyone was invited for entertainment. After the performance all the Devas were extremely happy with Bharat's hard work and started gifting him out of the happiness.

The specific Gifts
Samudra Manthan
       It is believed that Bhrama was very happy with the part played by the Vidhushak or the Narrater or the Clown and gifted him a wooden stick to be carried during all the performances. Indra gifted him a flag that was to be hosted on stage.Surya gifted an Canopy or Umbrella to provide shade from the sun. Vishnu presented him with a throne or seat. The list just goes no.  From here the custome of gifting started. It is customary to provide the performer with gifts before or after the performance. For example on the day of Arangetram or Salangai Pujai, invitees visit the performers house to and give them presents.

The Problem
       While the Devas were extremely happy with the performance, the Asuras were not at all pleased with the performance as it portrayed the Asuras as the loosing side. Bharata tried to explain  that the play was a mere reiteration of a historical incident. However there was quite a bit of chaos that was created because of this.

Bharata's learning
       It was after this incident that Bharat Muni instructed his disciples that before every play it is to be mentioned that the audiences are to have a detached attitude while witnessing a play or an art of any form. Being emotionally over involved will harm both the art and the audiences.
Gangharva & Apsara
He also instructed that when Bhavas do not get elevated to the level of raasas in the audience's mind due to the lack of immaturity of either the artist or the audience , art cannot be enjoyed.

Author's Note : The reason I have dedicated a whole page on the importance of the being aloof from the performance and to present it from a third person's point of view is to emphasize the fact that it is still relevant in today's world. Each and everyone of us forms an important part of the society and have specific but important responsibilities. I believe that it is the duty of the dancers and choreographers to present the problems of the societies along with the solutions with the help of the stories of the past, present or future. However while telling the stories if any particular side is taken, injustice is done to a particular person,community,gender,section of the society. And the Society as a whole will suffer.

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