Classical Dances of India_Introduction Part1

             India is a very large country with variety of culture and dance forms. Each and every dance be it classical or folk is very colorful and has tons of grace. The features that differentiate classical dances with the folk dances are extremely important. Each Classical dance comes with specific grammar and rules and history. May I mention that all the dances have tons of influence of the cultural and economic and social surroundings. The costumes, ornaments, songs, movements are all totally depends on the area of origin. It can very well be concluded that the source of inspiration might have been the same however each  and every dance form have adapted in its own way.

Defination of Classical Dance

It implies a set of rules that are rigid, that have developed over a period of time like that of a language and consists of complex techniques. the daily repetition of the same exercise, the surrender to the Guru, the mastery of the body--always monotonous and sometime pain full --- not only serve to conquer the techniques but they also prepare the mind.
Map showing Classical Dances of India and its region
Classical Dance after India's  Independence

Classical Dance Forms of India
After the Independence, the government of India understood the importance of promoting the cultural heritage of the country. So the dance forms that were discouraged and pushed back during the British period were allowed to breathe in the open society free of inhibitions. Sangeet Natak Akademi in 1953 was formed and a committee were assigned to dedicatedly work towards the upliftment of the culture of the subcontinent.  Odissi, Kuchipuri and Shatriya are very new addition to the list of the Classical Dances of India.  In the course of the next few pages we will learn about these Classical Dance forms in detail along with their story of origin.

It is very interesting to know the story of each and every classical dance form in ancient India and also post independence (1947).

Advice : The students of any classical or folk dances of India are to be taught about these dance forms in detail from an early age so that they can be well equipped with the basics of these dance forms. It is advice-able that  every student atleast attain few workshops to know more about each of the above style (specialisation in one style is important) to enrich oneself.

Classical Dance Forms of India

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