Pataka Hasta Viniyoga __Hasta Mudra (Hand Gestures) Part 12 Asamyukta Mudra

 Pataka : When all the fingers are kept close to each other with the thump finger kept bent this is pataka hasta. It can be interpreted as the five fingers represent the five senses and the bending of the thumb signifies the control over them. The sloka for Pataka Mudra is 

                “ Prasarithaagrah Sahita                                Yasyaangulyo Bhavanthi
                 Kunchithascha Thathaangustha                   Sa Pataka Iti smruthaha ”

Meaning: When all the fingers are  close to each other with the thump or Angustha bent we get Pataka Hasta. Lets now ponder over the usage of Pataka Hasta Mudra. 
Viniyoga Sloka
Natyarambhae vaarivahae vanai vastu nishedhanae | Kuchasthalae nishayam cha nadyam amaramandalae
 Turangae khandanae vayo shayanae gamanodyamae | Pratapae cha prasadae cha chandrikayam Ghana tapae
Kavaadapaatanae saptavibhaktyarthae tharangae | Veedi praveshabhavepi samatvae cha angaragakae
 Aatmarthae shapathae chapae thooshnim bhava nidharshanae | Thaalapatraecha kheitae cha dravyadis                                                                                                                        sparshanae thatha
 Aashirvadaekriyayam cha nrupa sreshtasya |  Thatra Thatreti vachanae sindhyo cha sukruthikramae
Sambhodhanae purogaepae khadgarupasya dharanae | Masae samvathsarae varsha dinae sammarjanae                                                                                                      thatha 
  Yevamardhyeshu yujanthae pataka hasta bhavanaha
Meaning of this Sloka is best explained in tabular format. To help the students, I have divided these into more than 1 table. It is advice able to learn one table at a time. This will save time and will be much simpler for young students.
Table 1


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