Who we are ???

Esha Banerjee @ ICCR Kolkata
It has been our constant effort to pass on the ancient knowledge of Nrittya, Natya and Bhava mentioned in the 5th Veda or Natya Shastra to the young generation. With this goal we regularly organize various workshops. Renowned experienced artists as well as motivated upcoming artists are invited to conduct these workshops.

The classes are mainly conducted by Mrs Champa Banerjee and Ms Esha Banerjee along with few more recruits. This mother daughter duo have been diligently pursuing the path of Indian Classical dance forms. Under the able guidance of Mrs. C Banerjee many students have successfully been initiated to the stage as well as completed the Maragam through Arangetram. They have quite a few production under their belt -----Navarasa, Draupadir Bilap, Kuntir Upekha are just to name the few. 

Sangeet Kala Kendra, the dream project of Mr. Tanmoy Banerjee and Mrs Champa Banerjee was established in 1989 with a vision to spread Indian culture to the new generation. Since its birth it has been successfully conducting training in the field of Indian Classical Dances, Indian Folk Dances, Painting, Performing Arts like tabla/Guitar/Keyboards, Cooking, Indian Classical Music etc.  

Mrs C Banerjee have completed her taining under the guidance of Guru Smt. Mira Dasgupta (who happens to be her elder sister) in Kathak and Bharat Natyam. She has completed her 7 years of Manipuri training at a very early age, She is a graduate from Government Art Collage with specialization in Leather Batick and Sculptures. Playing guitar, watching sad hindi/ bengali movies and reading stories of Gods is her favorite past time. She has been an honoured Judge of Pracheen Kala Kendra, Chandigarh for more than 20 years.

Ms. Esha Banerjee have completed her Arangetram at a tender age of 15 under the able guidance of Guru Smt. R. Venkateswara and ever since have been rigorously training under Guru Mira Dasgupta. Bhartnatyam though is her first love she has completed her 5 years diploma is Kathak, Rabintrda Nrtiya and Painting. She is learning Orissi at the feet of Mrs. Anindita Mukherjee. She had attended many sessions conducted by Padmashree Guru Chitra Vishweswaran. She has secured first position in Bharat Natyam (5 yr Diploma) from Pracheen Kala Kendra, Chandigarh and have gone ahead to become an honoured examinor of the institute. She has completed various workshops in Gujarathi and Rajasthani folk dances under Mrs. Sumitra Meheta. Her interest ibn choreography grew while she was still taking training. She is currently on her way to complete her book on Bharat Natyam which is due for publication in 2018. It is her dream to establish a residential fully funded school for students who would like to pursue the margam dance.


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