Shivatattvaratnakar - Shira Bheda ( Head Movement)

As per Shivatatva Ratnakara, there are 13 types of  Shira Bhedam.  They are listed below. One thing is to be noted here that the 3rd Tarangam talks about Shia bheda and describes the first 6 head movements. The 4th Taranga starts with dhristi bheda. The definitions and the usage not found in any manuscript. This is yet another example of how we have lost our ancient and mediaeval literature and documents. 

1. Dhutam -  Head shaken from side to side slowly ( Usage : Denial, Unhappiness, Looking 

2. Vidhutam - Dhutam done faster ( Usage : To portray one is scared, cold and sad)

3. Adhutam - Head is moved sharply to one corner ( Usage : Pride)

4. Ancitam - Neck slightly bent to the side ( Usage : Disease, Faint, Intoxication)

5. Kampitam - Head is moved up and down,  and is raised up and shaken fast repeatedly ( Usage : Argument , Enquiring)

6. Akampitam - From Kampitam head comes down ( Usage : Asking, Advising, Confirming)

7. Paravrttam

8. Avadhutam

9. Adhomukham

10. Nikuncitam

11. Utksiptam

12. Lolitham

13. Parivahitam


Dhutam vidhutam adhutam anchitamkampitam tatha|
Akampitam paravrttam avadhutam adhomukham||
Nikuncitam tathoksiptam lulitam parivahitam|
Iti trayodasavidham sirah proktam manisibhih|


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