Namaskaram and Initial Postures as per Natyashastra

             Natyashastra is a comprehensive work on the art of Dance, Drama and Music by Bharata Muni. Every dance form of India and most of the dance forms of south east Asia  The initial slokas talk about Bhoomi pranam, Natyarambham and even the way to greet Gods, Gurus and Audience/ Elders are mentioned. In Bharatnatyam, these are followed with absolute respect and to the last word. 

Namaskaram : Every dance form in India starts with Bhoomi pranam. This is a way to show respect to the Bhoo Devi (Mother Earth) and seeking her permission before striking feet on her. The Natyashastra slokam related to this is as follows

Samudravasanae DeviiParvathasthana Mandalae |                                                                          Vishnu Patni NamastubhyamPadaaghathan Krishamaswamae ||

Meaning : The dance should seek forgiveness (Krishamaswamae) from the Bhoomi devi who or mother Earth for stamping feet on her (Padaaghathan)   who is adorned by the oceans (Samudra)  as jewels and mountain (Parvatha) as breasts. She is the wife of Vishnu, we bow down to her. 

Devataanam Sirasthatu | Gurunaam Aasya Samsthithaha |                                                             Vakshathaschaiva Vipranam | Seshatva Niyamobhaveth ||

Meaning :  Salutation or Pranam should be offered by holding the hand in Anjali (joining the palms together ) and keeping the same above the head for Gods (Devatas), in front of the forehead for the Guru,  (who imparted the knowledge) and in front of the chest for the elders present in the audience.  

Soushtavam : This is also known as Natyarambham as normally all the dance starts with this posture. It is also one of the most common posture in all the classical dance forms especially in Bharatnatyam, Mohiniattam and Kuchipudi. The Natyashastra slokam related to this posture is listed below

Kati Karna Samaayatthra | Koorparaamsha Shiroshthatha |                                                                     Sammunnatham Uraschaiva | Soushtavam Nam Thath Bhavve ||

Meaning :  Waist and Ears should be in the same line. Elbow and shoulder should be aligned to the head. Breast/chest should be put forward and elevated.  This position is called Soushtavam. 

Aieyatam  : The feet and knees should be as close to 180 degrees as possible. The Knees should be bend in order to achieve Barfi shape or Diamond shape. The body automatically is bent and the height is reduced. This is also known as Aramandi (Tamil word Ara means half, Mandi mean sit). Ideally the distance between the head and navel becomes same as the distance between the navel and the earth.

Prayena Karanae Karyoo | Vamovakshasthiitha Karaha |                                                         Charanasyanu Gaschaapi | Dakshina sthu Bhaved Karaha ||

Meaning :  Before the start of the dance, hands should be placed in front of chest, feet should be placed side ways with the heels touching. Dance should always start with right hand.


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