
Showing posts from November, 2017

Natya Shastra ( Part 3)-- Birth of Apsaras

Birth of the  Apsaras or the Celestial Maiden Apsaras or the beautiful maidens of heaven are believed to be the deadliest weapons of heaven. the story of their birth is a very interesting one. There are lots of mention about the Apsaras in ancient Indian texts. Many stories that we hear today and are popular among kids have Apsaras in them. Every kid in the subcontinent knows that Apsaras are the beautiful females that dweels in heaven and is rulled by Indra. The Story   On receiving the instructions from Lord  Bhrama, Bharata started training his Temple Carving in Cambodia 100 sons on the science of Dance, Drama and Music and in the process of doing so assigns different roles to them. The sage  created the three dynamic styles of dance  ---- the verbal or commonly known as  Bharti  (2) the subtle or the  Sattbitti  (3) the energetic or the  Arabhatti . The great father Bhrama further instructed that these three...

Natya Shastra (Part 2) - Common Mistakes & Promise

Common Misconceptions regarding Natya Shastra              While talking about Natya Shastra or the science of Dance & Drama, it is important to understand that there is no mention of Bharata Muni creating certain set rules, in fact he does not prescribe a set rule which needs to be followed at all time. It comes as a surprise to many of us that it is suggested in Natya Shastra that the art forms must be dynamically adapted to the taste of people in accordance to the time and place. This perhaps explains the livid adaptation of various Classical and Folk dances of Flow of Knowledge the subcontinent and different parts of south east Asian countries from the same text. The dance forms that evolved in these regions can find its roots to Bharat's Natya Shasta. Photo of the ancient texts written on Palm Leaves  It is always advice able to see Natya Shastra as the base of dance and seek inspiration from it. We can take Natya Shastr...

NatyaShastra (Part 1) --- The story of the Beginning of Dance & Drama

The Story of the Origin  It is believed that Bhramha, the great creator had successfully completed creating the universe and the Chatur Vedas and being tired of the hard work had gone into deep mediation for thousands of years. In the mean time there began chaos on Earth, Heaven and Hell or commonly known as  Trilokya . Evil prevailed over the good. In order to put an  end to this and to begin a new society all the Devas, Ganas, Naras and Asuras went to Bhrama to seek a solution. After much debate it was widely accepted that entertainment in form of art, dance, music and drama is the best way to bring out the good. It was requested by Indra and other Asuras to make it accessible to commoners in  Trilokkya  not just to the kings and royals. This indeed was the need of all at all times --respite from the world filled with conflicting emotions. Bharata Muni Even in today's modern world this theory exists. Visual art is the best form of narrating an mess...

Natya Shasatra _Slokas

Artist : Shilpi Nandi  "The joy of dance can not be explained or taught. It has to be experienced."  Following are the first few slokas of Natya Shastra. Pranamya Shirasa Devou Pithamaha Maheswarou Natyashastram Pravaksyami  Brahamanaya Duthahrutham     I bow my head to Pitamaha (Brahma – the creator) and Maheswara(Lord Siva – the creator of dance) and reveal the science of dance, drama and music (Natyasastra) as it was taught to me  by Lord Brahma. (Bharata Muni states) Devadanaam Shirasthasthu  Gurunamasya samsthithaha  Vakshasthaschaiva vipranaam   Sheshethwa niyamo bhaved     I seek blesssings and offer prayers( with Anjali hasta ) hands placed above the head for the Gods, at the forehead for the Guru’s, in front of the chest for all the elders and for all others there is no special rules. This is the basic rule for all the Indian classical dance forms of India and is commonly followed in the entire...